Thursday, March 12, 2020

Breathless Film Essay Essay Example

Breathless Film Essay Essay Example Breathless Film Essay Paper Breathless Film Essay Paper In the film, Michael Postcard is a petty criminal who steals a car and when a pop catches up to him, postcard panics and shoots him dead. He then escapes to Paris to gather money to escape to Italy and to meet up with his American girlfriend Patricia. The rest of the movie is him running around trying to convince Patricia to go to Italy with him and find Antonio who can help him get out of France.. In the end Patricia informs on him to the cops and he is shot on the street but keeps running until he collapses and dies breathless. Two key moments of the film are when Postcard sees Patricia kissing the other American and when Patricia tells him that she called the cops. They tooth reflect the pervasive theme of trust and love found throughout the movie and seem to make the statement that love is blinding and consuming. Even to his last moment, Postcard doesnt stop loving Patricia even if she did betray him. The sequence that best represents the thematic is the ending where, even after being betrayed by her, he shows he still loves her with the personal faces game and lets her off with a very light admonishing before he passes away. The title, Breathless, refers directly to the ending of the movie where Postcard keeps running until he is literally out of breath and dies. In a less literal interpretation the title could represent how the main character is out of breath from leading his current lifestyle (not because he wants to change it but because its catching up to him) as well as his blinding love for Patricia which takes away his breath leaving him hesitant and leading to his death. 1) The musical theme is repeated various times throughout the score and acts as a way to heighten dramatic question as well as contribute to Michel Postcards characterization (its suave yet threatening) . Its ominous composition (aptly titled La Mort) precludes death since the begin inning with the cop and ultimately Postcards own. 6) The editing is striking in that it uses experimental jump cuts heavily which at the time were very against the norm. It creates a really interesting effect because while it does bring some attention to itself, detracting from the illusion of real life continuity, it does so in a way that is quite effective. Feel like our brains are very willing to accept this presentation of a story because sins this exactly what we do when recalling an event: edit out the boring parts? For me personally once you get used to it (it felt a little weird at first) it really keeps you engaged in the story because it makes time more efficient.

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