Saturday, December 28, 2019

Police Brutality - 1192 Words

Police brutality is one of the most severe human rights violations in the United States, and it occurs in many communities. Police officers have one of the hardest jobs out there. They have to maintain public order, prevent, and identify crime. Throughout history, the police community has been exposed by brutality in one way or another. Violence by law enforcement officers in the United States is one of the most serious human rights violations in the country. Police officers have engaged in unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and unnecessarily rough treatment. The history of police brutality is repeated, going through stages of violence, corruption, and improvement. Many people think of corrupt when they hear the word†¦show more content†¦In 1997, a New York City police officer shoved a stick six inches into the rectum of Abner Louima rupturing his intestines (Troutt 6). To make matters worse the officer stuck the soiled stick into the victims mouth. Two years later, Amadou Diallo and former pro football player Demetrius DuBose were murdered by New York City and San Diego police respectively. Diallo was shot by four white plain-clothes officers while standing on the porch of his own Bronx apartment building. According to the officers upon approaching the building Diallo stepped back inside to hide. When Diallo reached into his pocket the officers fired a total of 41 shots, striking him 19 times. What the police thought was a gun turned out to be a wallet (Jeffries,2001). That summer, DuBose, previous football players of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New York Jets were shot by two white San Diego police officers. The officers were investigating a burglary when that happened upon the multi-millionaire and Notre Dame graduate. An investigation by the familys attorney discovered that DuBose cooperated with the officers investigation until they began to harass and intimidate him (Amnesty International 1999a). The officers claimed that DuB ose attacked them with a pair of nunchakus sticks, a martial arts weapon that he allegedly wrestled away from one of them. Several witnesses said DuBose was shot in the backShow MoreRelatedThe Causes Of Police Brutality810 Words   |  4 Pages Police brutality remains to be one of the most abused human rights in the US.Police have actet out in ways that have made people wonder â€Å"Are officers of the law really doing there job?† Over takats African Americans have gotten discriminated .But for over 50 years those who are to protect us are not.One of the reasons that The media contributes to police brutality is by leaving some stories untold or even change it which then leaves an false impression for the readers . The Media only reportsRead MoreA Report On Police Brutality1367 Words   |  6 PagesStudent Name Instructor Date Course Police Brutality There is various forms of human rights violation currently in the United States, however; Police abuse remains the most serious of them all. Police brutality is, therefore, the use of excessive force or even unnecessary force by the police while they are dealing with civilians. People are left wondering if the police are doing the jobs they were appointed to do under the law. They act in ways such as the use of guns and pepper sprays to intimidateRead MorePolice Brutality1569 Words   |  7 PagesPersuasive/Policy/Problem/Cause/Solution Central Idea/Thesis: Police brutality should be regulated with greater strength and objectivity. INTRODUCTION I. Police brutality is constantly made known to us all through mass media, but I hadn’t ever taken the time to truly grasp the severity of it until it hit close to home. A. Three weeks ago, a close family friend was brutally beaten in front of his children at a family gathering by the police. B. My purpose is to persuade my audience that police brutality should be regulated with greaterRead MorePolice Brutality And The Police Essay940 Words   |  4 Pages Police brutality refers to the use of excessive force against a civilian. The controversies that surround the topic of police brutality relate to different definitions and expectations over what is meant by excessive force. Indeed, police officers are expressly authorized to use necessary, reasonable force to perform their duties. As Jerome Skolnick, an influential police scholar in the United States, underscores: â€Å"as long as members of society do not comply with the law and resist the police, forceRead MorePolice Brutality And The Police851 Words   |  4 Pagesthe police, your opinion may vary. Let me ask you a question about our police force. But keep this in mind, in October 2015 alone, there was 81 deaths by the police. With that being said, who’s to protect us from whose protecting the block? I don t care who you are, you have to be able to realize nowadays that the police brutality is getting out of hand, that the power surge is growing and growing. Look around, there s an increase of civilians death via cops, an increase of reports of police wrongdoingRead MorePolice Brutality2853 Words   |  12 PagesPolice Protality: Introduction Police brutality has been and continues to be of major concern in society. First of all, police brutality is a term used to describe the excessive use of physical force, assault, verbal attacks or slurs, and threats by any law enforcement officer. Efforts to police communities, throughout history, have been tainted by brutality ans abuse of power to some degree. The term police brutality is commonly used very loosely to any and all forms of policeRead MorePolice Brutality1263 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Police Brutality Did you know that Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially also in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer? Despite major improvements in police practices (since 1981) reports of alleged police misconduct and abuse continue to spread through the nation. Police Brutality still goes on around the world today with improvements of enforcing police brutality in police departments. There haveRead MorePolice Brutality1865 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Police Brutality is Prevalent Background Information Over the recent years, police have been one of the organizations to be associated with the largest cases of misconduct. Police brutality can be termed as the process of misuse and abuse of authority by the police. The rising cases of police brutality are causing more harm to the public, compared to the actions perpetrated by real criminals. Although police claim that it’s sometimes necessary to curb crime, the process is illegal and police officersRead MorePolice Brutality Over The Years1458 Words   |  6 PagesIt feels as if nothing has changed about police brutality over the years. The usual cycle is that juries acquit the police, cops get their jobs back, and brutality happens again. One of the most broadcasted cases of police brutality, was the beating of Rodney King. On the night of March 2, 1991, a bystander named George Holiday, videotaped the moment when five officers used excess force on an African American man named Rodney King, beating him with batons as he strugg led on the ground. Also, it wasRead MorePolice Misconduct and Police Brutality985 Words   |  4 Pages We hear about police misconduct case and wonder, Why don’t they do anything to stop this? Many say that we should keep the police officers’ perspective in mind. Others say that these actions are due to racism or post 9/11 paranoia. Whatever the excuse may be for these cases, there should be no need for violence anywhere. Police brutality videos go viral and reveal to the world that it actually happens and that it may happen to you too. This pervades people with fear and anger because their

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